Understanding 'Mon petit doigt m'a dit' in French

Updated on 2024-08-24

The French language is full of colorful expressions that can add flair to your conversations.

One such phrase is "Mon petit doigt m'a dit," which literally translates to "My little finger told me."

This article will explore the meaning, usage, and cultural context of this charming expression.

What Does "Mon petit doigt m'a dit" Mean?

"Mon petit doigt m'a dit" is an informal French expression used to playfully indicate that you know something without revealing your source.

It's similar to the English phrases "A little bird told me" or "I have it on good authority."

When to Use This Expression

This phrase is primarily used in informal settings, especially when speaking to children.

It's a lighthearted way to share information or express a suspicion without disclosing how you came to know it.

Pronunciation Guide

To properly use this expression, you'll need to know how to pronounce it:

  • Phonetic pronunciation: [mo(n) peu tee dwah ma dee]
  • IPA: [mɔ̃ pə ti dwa ma di]

Practice saying it aloud to get comfortable with the sounds.

Usage Examples

Here are some situations where you might use "Mon petit doigt m'a dit":

  1. Mon petit doigt m'a dit que tu n'as pas fait ton lit. (A little birdie told me that you didn't make your bed.)

  2. – Comment tu le sais ? – Mon petit doigt me l'a dit. (– How do you know that? – A little bird told me.)

  3. Mon petit doigt m'a dit que tu as préparé une surprise pour mon anniversaire. (My little finger told me that you prepared a surprise for my birthday.)

  4. Mon petit doigt m'a dit que quelqu'un n'a pas fini ses légumes. (A little birdie told me that someone didn't finish their vegetables.)

  5. – Qui t'a dit que j'allais déménager ? – Mon petit doigt ! (– Who told you I was going to move? – My little finger!)

  6. Mon petit doigt m'a dit que tu as eu une excellente note à ton examen. (A little bird told me that you got an excellent grade on your exam.)

  7. Mon petit doigt m'a dit que tu as passé toute la journée à jouer aux jeux vidéo. (My little finger told me that you spent the whole day playing video games.)

  8. Mon petit doigt m'a dit qu'il va neiger demain. (A little birdie told me that it's going to snow tomorrow.)

  9. Mon petit doigt m'a dit que tu as oublié de nourrir le chat. (My little finger told me that you forgot to feed the cat.)

  10. Mon petit doigt m'a dit que quelqu'un a mangé le dernier cookie. (A little bird told me that someone ate the last cookie.)

Cultural Context

In French culture, this expression is often used by parents or caregivers when interacting with young children.

It adds an element of mystery and playfulness to conversations, making it an engaging way to communicate with kids.

Comparison to English Expressions

While "Mon petit doigt m'a dit" is similar to "A little bird told me," it's important to note that the French expression is more commonly used with children.

In English, "A little bird told me" can be used in various contexts, including adult conversations.

Alternative Meanings

Sometimes, "Mon petit doigt m'a dit" can also mean "to have a feeling" or "to suspect" something without having been explicitly told.

This usage is similar to the English expression "I have a hunch."


"Mon petit doigt m'a dit" is a charming French expression that adds a touch of whimsy to conversations, especially when talking to children.

By incorporating this phrase into your French vocabulary, you'll sound more natural and culturally aware.

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