Understanding the Plus-que-parfait in French

Updated on 2024-08-21

The plus-que-parfait, also known as the pluperfect or past perfect in English, is an essential French tense for describing actions that occurred before another past event. While it's not as commonly used as the imparfait or passé composé, mastering this tense will significantly enhance your ability to tell stories and express complex ideas in French.

Forming the Plus-que-parfait

To construct the plus-que-parfait, you'll need two key components:

  1. The auxiliary verb (either avoir or être) in the imperfect tense
  2. The past participle of the main verb

Choosing the Auxiliary Verb

Most verbs use avoir as their auxiliary, but some require être. Here's a quick guide:

  • Use avoir for most verbs
  • Use être for:
    • Reflexive verbs
    • Verbs of movement (aller, venir, partir, etc.)
    • State changes (naître, mourir, devenir, etc.)

Conjugating the Auxiliary Verb

Conjugate avoir or être in the imperfect tense:

| Person | Avoir | Être | |-------------|---------|---------| | Je | avais | étais | | Tu | avais | étais | | Il/Elle/On | avait | était | | Nous | avions | étions | | Vous | aviez | étiez | | Ils/Elles | avaient | étaient |

Forming the Past Participle

For regular verbs, follow these patterns:

  • -er verbs: stem + é (e.g., parler → parlé)
  • -ir verbs: stem + i (e.g., finir → fini)
  • -re verbs: stem + u (e.g., vendre → vendu)

Remember that many common verbs have irregular past participles, which you'll need to memorize.

When to Use the Plus-que-parfait

1. Describing Prior Past Actions

Use the plus-que-parfait to talk about an action that happened before another past event.


  • Quand je suis arrivé, elle était déjà partie. (When I arrived, she had already left.)
  • Il m'a dit qu'il avait terminé son travail. (He told me he had finished his work.)
  • Nous avions mangé avant d'aller au cinéma. (We had eaten before going to the cinema.)

2. Expressing Hypothetical Past Situations

The plus-que-parfait is used in conditional sentences to describe hypothetical past situations.


  • Si j'avais étudié, j'aurais réussi l'examen. (If I had studied, I would have passed the exam.)
  • Elle aurait accepté l'offre si on lui avait proposé un meilleur salaire. (She would have accepted the offer if they had offered her a better salary.)
  • Si nous avions su, nous ne serions pas venus. (If we had known, we wouldn't have come.)

Common Mistakes to Avoid

1. Using Plus-que-parfait with "Depuis"

With "depuis," use the imparfait instead:

Incorrect: J'avais attendu depuis deux heures. Correct: J'attendais depuis deux heures. (I had been waiting for two hours.)

2. Expressing "Had Just" Actions

For "had just" actions, use "venir de" in the imparfait:

Incorrect: J'avais juste fini quand il est arrivé. Correct: Je venais de finir quand il est arrivé. (I had just finished when he arrived.)

3. Listing Past Events

When listing unrelated past events, use the passé composé:

Incorrect: J'avais mangé et j'étais allé au lit. Correct: J'ai mangé et je suis allé au lit. (I ate and went to bed.)

Practice Exercises

To solidify your understanding of the plus-que-parfait, try these exercises:

  1. Translate the following sentences into French:

    • I had never visited Paris before last year.
    • She told me she had already seen that movie.
    • If we had known about the party, we would have come.
  2. Rewrite these sentences using the plus-que-parfait:

    • Je finis mes devoirs. Ensuite, je regarde la télé.
    • Il pleut quand nous arrivons à la plage.
    • Si tu étudies, tu réussis l'examen.

By practicing regularly and paying attention to the nuances of when to use the plus-que-parfait, you'll soon find yourself using this tense confidently in your French conversations and writing. Remember, leçon.ai offers personalized lessons to help you master tricky French tenses like the plus-que-parfait. Bonne chance !

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