Beyond Bonjour: 15 Fresh Ways to Say Hello in French

Updated on 2024-08-18

Tired of relying on "bonjour" for every greeting? Let's explore a variety of ways to say hello in French that will make your conversations more natural and engaging.

Casual Greetings


A versatile, informal greeting used among friends and younger people. It can mean both "hi" and "bye."

Example: "Salut, ça va?" (Hi, how's it going?)


A playful, familiar way to say hello, often used with close friends or family.

Example: "Coucou! Tu es là?" (Hey there! Are you here?)

Time-Specific Greetings


Use this instead of "bonjour" in the evening.

Example: "Bonsoir, comment allez-vous?" (Good evening, how are you?)

Bon après-midi

A pleasant way to greet someone in the afternoon.

Example: "Bon après-midi, j'espère que vous passez une bonne journée." (Good afternoon, I hope you're having a nice day.)

Regional Greetings

Salut-bonjour (Quebec)

A friendly greeting commonly used in Quebec, combining "salut" and "bonjour."

Example: "Salut-bonjour! Comment ça va aujourd'hui?" (Hello there! How are you today?)

Asking How Someone Is

Quoi de neuf?

Similar to "What's up?" in English, this casual phrase is great for starting conversations.

Example: "Salut Pierre, quoi de neuf?" (Hey Pierre, what's new?)

Comment vas-tu?

A more personal way to ask "How are you?" when speaking to friends or family.

Example: "Coucou Marie, comment vas-tu aujourd'hui?" (Hey Marie, how are you doing today?)

Phone Greetings


The standard way to answer the phone in French.

Example: "Allô, qui est à l'appareil?" (Hello, who's speaking?)

Professional Greetings


Use this when meeting someone for the first time in a professional setting.

Example: "Enchanté de faire votre connaissance, Monsieur Dubois." (Pleased to meet you, Mr. Dubois.)

By incorporating these diverse greetings into your French conversations, you'll sound more natural and confident. Remember, context is key – choose the greeting that best fits the situation and your relationship with the person you're addressing.

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