Bonjour, les Enfants: Teaching French Greetings to Children

Updated on 2024-08-26

Introducing French greetings to children can be both fun and educational. It's a great way to spark their interest in language learning from an early age. This article will provide you with practical strategies and resources to make teaching French greetings to kids an enjoyable experience.

Why Teach French Greetings to Children?

Teaching French greetings to children offers numerous benefits:

  • Enhances cognitive development
  • Improves memory and problem-solving skills
  • Increases cultural awareness
  • Prepares them for future language learning
  • Boosts confidence in social situations

Fun Ways to Teach French Greetings

Songs and Rhymes

Music is a powerful tool for language learning. Here are some simple songs and rhymes about saying hello in French:

  1. "Bonjour, Bonjour" (to the tune of "Frère Jacques")
  2. "Salut les Amis"
  3. "Comment Ça Va?"
  4. "Bonjour, Comment Allez-Vous?"
  5. "Toc Toc Toc, Bonjour!"
  6. "Un Petit Bonjour"
  7. "Coucou, Hibou!"
  8. "Bonjour les Enfants"
  9. "Bonjour Monsieur, Bonjour Madame"
  10. "Allo, Allo, Bonjour!"

Interactive Games

Engage children with these fun greeting games:

  1. Greeting Circle: Pass a ball, saying "Bonjour" to the next person
  2. French Freeze Dance: Freeze and greet when the music stops
  3. Greeting Matching Cards
  4. Role-play with puppets or stuffed animals
  5. "Bonjour Bingo"
  6. French Greeting Charades
  7. "Telephone" with French greetings
  8. Greeting Scavenger Hunt
  9. "Simon Says" with French greetings
  10. Greeting Race: Who can greet everyone in French first?

Tips for Parents

Incorporate French greetings into daily life:

  1. Use French greetings at home consistently
  2. Create a "French Time" during the day
  3. Watch French children's shows together
  4. Listen to French music during car rides
  5. Label household items with French greetings
  6. Practice greetings with family members or pets
  7. Use French greetings during mealtime
  8. Encourage children to teach others
  9. Reward consistent use of French greetings
  10. Make it a game to use different greetings each day

Common French Greetings for Kids

Teach these simple greetings:

  1. Bonjour (Hello)
  2. Salut (Hi)
  3. Coucou (Hey there)
  4. Bonsoir (Good evening)
  5. Au revoir (Goodbye)
  6. À bientôt (See you soon)
  7. Comment ça va? (How are you?)
  8. Ça va bien (I'm doing well)
  9. Merci (Thank you)
  10. S'il vous plaît (Please)

Making Learning Fun and Natural

The key to teaching French greetings to children is to make it a natural, enjoyable part of their day. Consistency and positive reinforcement are crucial. Celebrate their efforts and progress, no matter how small.

Practice Exercise

Let's practice! Match the French greeting with its English meaning:

  1. Bonjour
  2. Au revoir
  3. Salut
  4. Bonsoir
  5. À bientôt

A. See you soon B. Hello C. Goodbye D. Hi E. Good evening

(Answers at the end of the article)


Teaching French greetings to children can be a joyful and rewarding experience. By incorporating songs, games, and daily practice, you can help your child develop a lifelong appreciation for the French language and culture. Remember, the goal is to make learning fun and natural. Bonne chance et amusez-vous bien! (Good luck and have fun!)

Exercise Answers

  1. B, 2. C, 3. D, 4. E, 5. A

Keep practicing these greetings with your children, and soon they'll be saying "Bonjour" like little French natives!

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