Bonjour vs. Salut: Mastering French Greetings for Every Situation

Updated on 2024-08-26

French greetings are more than just words; they're a gateway to French culture. Understanding the difference between formal and informal greetings is crucial for effective communication in French-speaking countries.

Formal vs. Informal Greetings

Formal Greetings

Formal greetings are used in professional settings, with strangers, or with people older than you.

  1. Bonjour (Hello/Good day)
  2. Bonsoir (Good evening)
  3. Enchanté(e) (Pleased to meet you)
  4. Comment allez-vous ? (How are you?)
  5. Ravi(e) de faire votre connaissance (Delighted to meet you)
  6. Je vous en prie (You're welcome)
  7. Au revoir (Goodbye)
  8. Bonne journée (Have a good day)
  9. À bientôt (See you soon)
  10. Mes respects (My respects)

Informal Greetings

Informal greetings are used with friends, family, or peers.

  1. Salut (Hi)
  2. Coucou (Hey there)
  3. Ça va ? (How's it going?)
  4. Quoi de neuf ? (What's new?)
  5. Comment ça va ? (How are you?)
  6. À plus (See you later)
  7. Tchao (Bye)
  8. À la prochaine (Until next time)
  9. Bisous (Kisses)
  10. Bonne soirée (Have a good evening)

When to Use Each Greeting

Formal Situations

  • Meeting someone for the first time
  • In a business setting
  • Speaking with elderly people
  • In official or administrative contexts

Informal Situations

  • With friends and family
  • Among classmates or colleagues of similar age/status
  • In casual social settings
  • When explicitly invited to use informal language

Regional Variations

French greetings can vary across French-speaking countries and regions.

In France

  • "Bonjour" is standard across the country
  • In the South, you might hear "Adieu" used as a greeting

In Belgium

  • "Bonjour" is common, but "Salut" is more widely used than in France

In Switzerland

  • "Salut" or "Salut-salut" is often used, even in semi-formal situations

In Quebec

  • "Bonjour" is standard, but "Allô" is also common as an informal greeting

In African French-speaking countries

  • Greetings often include asking about family and health

Pronunciation Tips


  • Pronounced: bohn-zhoor
  • The 'r' is slightly rolled at the back of the throat


  • Pronounced: sah-loo
  • The 't' is silent


  • Pronounced: bohn-swahr
  • The 'r' is slightly rolled, similar to "Bonjour"

Etiquette Tips

  1. Always greet before starting a conversation
  2. Use "Vous" with formal greetings unless invited to use "Tu"
  3. La bise (cheek kisses) is common among friends, but ask before initiating
  4. Handshakes are standard in formal situations
  5. Maintain eye contact while greeting

Practice Exercises

  1. Match the greeting to the situation: a) Meeting your new boss b) Saying goodbye to a friend c) Greeting a shopkeeper

    Options: Salut, Bonjour, À plus

  2. Fill in the blank: "_____ Madame, comment allez-vous aujourd'hui ?"

  3. True or False: It's appropriate to use "Salut" when meeting your professor for the first time.

  4. Which greeting would you use in these situations? a) Entering a doctor's office b) Meeting a friend at a café c) Ending a formal email

  5. Pronounce these greetings out loud: Bonjour, Salut, Bonsoir, Au revoir

Answers and Explanations:

  1. a) Bonjour, b) À plus, c) Bonjour
  2. Bonjour
  3. False. Use "Bonjour" in formal situations.
  4. a) Bonjour, b) Salut, c) Au revoir or Cordialement
  5. Practice with native audio sources for accurate pronunciation.

Understanding and using French greetings correctly will significantly improve your French communication skills. Remember, the right greeting sets the tone for the entire interaction. Practice regularly, and soon you'll be greeting like a native French speaker!

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