Common French Words and Phrases for Everyday Conversation

Updated on 2024-08-16

When learning French, it’s essential to start using your language skills in real conversations. Here, we’ll cover some of the most commonly used words and phrases to help you communicate effectively in everyday situations.

Greetings and Basic Phrases

Understanding basic greetings is crucial. The words and phrases below are common starters:

  • Bonjour – Hello (used during the day)
  • Bonsoir – Good evening
  • Salut – Hi (informal)
  • Merci – Thank you
  • S'il vous plaît – Please

For instance, when entering a shop in the morning, simply greet with "Bonjour" to show politeness.

Asking Questions

Knowing how to ask questions is vital. Common question structures are:

  • Comment ça va? – How are you?
  • Où est...? – Where is…?
  • Qu'est-ce que c'est? – What is this?

For example: "Où est la gare?" is useful if you’re looking for the train station.

Directions and Navigating

When asking for and understanding directions:

  • À gauche – To the left
  • À droite – To the right
  • Tout droit – Straight ahead

Example: "La banque est à gauche" means "The bank is to the left."

Shopping and Dining

You'll often need these in markets or restaurants:

  • Combien ça coûte? – How much does it cost?
  • L'addition, s'il vous plaît – The check, please
  • Je voudrais... – I would like…

"Je voudrais une baguette" is used when ordering a baguette at a bakery.

Expressing Needs and Wants

It’s helpful to express your needs:

  • J'ai besoin de... – I need...
  • Je voudrais... – I would like...

For example, "J'ai besoin d'aide" means "I need help."


Learning these basic words and phrases can significantly boost your confidence in speaking French. Regular practice will help solidify them in your pronunciation and usage, gradually building your fluency as you progress from A1 to B1 levels.

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