Conjugate Aller: A Guide to the French Verb "to go"

Updated on 2024-08-17

The French verb "aller" (to go) is one of the most common and useful verbs in the language. It's also irregular, which means its conjugation doesn't follow standard patterns. Let's break down how to conjugate "aller" in various tenses and moods.

Present Tense (Présent)

The present tense conjugation of "aller" is:

  • Je vais
  • Tu vas
  • Il/Elle/On va
  • Nous allons
  • Vous allez
  • Ils/Elles vont

Example: "Je vais au cinéma ce soir." (I'm going to the cinema tonight.)

Imperfect (Imparfait)

The imperfect tense is used for describing ongoing or habitual past actions:

  • J'allais
  • Tu allais
  • Il/Elle/On allait
  • Nous allions
  • Vous alliez
  • Ils/Elles allaient

Example: "Quand j'étais petit, j'allais souvent au parc." (When I was little, I often went to the park.)

Future Simple (Futur Simple)

The future simple tense is used for actions that will happen in the future:

  • J'irai
  • Tu iras
  • Il/Elle/On ira
  • Nous irons
  • Vous irez
  • Ils/Elles iront

Example: "Demain, nous irons à la plage." (Tomorrow, we will go to the beach.)

Conditional (Conditionnel)

The conditional mood is used for hypothetical situations:

  • J'irais
  • Tu irais
  • Il/Elle/On irait
  • Nous irions
  • Vous iriez
  • Ils/Elles iraient

Example: "Si j'avais le temps, j'irais en France cet été." (If I had the time, I would go to France this summer.)

Subjunctive (Subjonctif)

The subjunctive mood is used after certain expressions of doubt, desire, or necessity:

  • Que j'aille
  • Que tu ailles
  • Qu'il/elle/on aille
  • Que nous allions
  • Que vous alliez
  • Qu'ils/elles aillent

Example: "Il faut que j'aille à la banque aujourd'hui." (I need to go to the bank today.)

Tips for Using "Aller"

  1. "Aller" is often used with "à" or "en" to indicate destination:

    • "Je vais à Paris." (I'm going to Paris.)
    • "Nous allons en France." (We're going to France.)
  2. The near future can be formed using "aller" + infinitive:

    • "Je vais manger." (I'm going to eat.)
  3. "Comment allez-vous?" is a common formal greeting meaning "How are you?"

Remember, practice is key to mastering irregular verbs like "aller". Try using it in different contexts and tenses to become more comfortable with its various forms.

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