Difference between "ce qui" and "qui" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

French relative pronouns can be tricky, especially when it comes to distinguishing between "ce qui" and "qui". Both are used to introduce relative clauses, but they serve different purposes and are used in distinct contexts.

"Qui" - The Simple Relative Pronoun

"Qui" is used as a subject pronoun in relative clauses when referring to people or things. It translates to "who" or "which" in English.


  • La femme qui parle est ma tante. (The woman who is speaking is my aunt.)
  • Le chien qui aboie n'appartient pas à notre voisin. (The dog which is barking doesn't belong to our neighbor.)

"Ce qui" - The Compound Relative Pronoun

"Ce qui" is used when the antecedent is not a specific noun but rather an idea, situation, or entire clause. It's often translated as "what" or "that which" in English.


  • Ce qui m'inquiète, c'est son silence. (What worries me is his silence.)
  • J'aime ce qui est naturel. (I like what is natural.)

Key Differences

  1. Antecedent:

    • "Qui" refers to a specific noun antecedent.
    • "Ce qui" refers to an abstract idea or entire clause.
  2. Translation:

    • "Qui" typically translates to "who" or "which".
    • "Ce qui" often translates to "what" or "that which".
  3. Usage in sentences:

    • "Qui" follows directly after its antecedent.
    • "Ce qui" often starts a clause or follows a comma.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Don't use "ce qui" when there's a clear noun antecedent: Incorrect: Le livre ce qui est sur la table. Correct: Le livre qui est sur la table. (The book which is on the table.)

  2. Don't omit "ce" when referring to an abstract idea: Incorrect: Qui est intéressant, c'est son point de vue. Correct: Ce qui est intéressant, c'est son point de vue. (What's interesting is his point of view.)

By understanding these distinctions, you'll be able to use "ce qui" and "qui" correctly in your French sentences, enhancing both your speaking and writing skills.

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