"Excuse Me" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

Knowing how to say "excuse me" in French is essential for polite communication. This phrase is used in various situations, from apologizing to getting someone's attention. Let's explore the different ways to express "excuse me" in French.

Common Expressions for "Excuse Me"


"Pardon" is the most versatile and commonly used way to say "excuse me" in French. It's suitable for most situations, whether you're trying to pass by someone or if you've made a minor mistake.


  • Pardon, je peux passer? (Excuse me, can I pass?)


"Excusez-moi" is slightly more formal than "pardon" and is often used when addressing strangers or in more polite settings.


  • Excusez-moi, quelle heure est-il? (Excuse me, what time is it?)

Situation-Specific Phrases

Je suis désolé(e)

This phrase means "I'm sorry" and is used for more sincere apologies when you've caused inconvenience or made a mistake.


  • Je suis désolé(e), j'ai oublié notre rendez-vous. (I'm sorry, I forgot our appointment.)


"Pardonnez-moi" is a more formal way to apologize, often used in professional or very polite settings.


  • Pardonnez-moi de vous interrompre. (Forgive me for interrupting you.)

Tips for Usage

  • In very informal situations with friends, you can simply say "Pardon" or even just "Oups!" for minor incidents.
  • Remember to use the appropriate level of formality based on your relationship with the person and the setting.
  • Body language, such as a slight nod or gesture, can accompany these phrases to emphasize your politeness.

Learning these expressions will help you navigate social situations in French-speaking environments with confidence and courtesy.

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