French Adverbial Phrases of Supposition: Expressing Uncertainty

Updated on 2024-08-12

French offers a rich array of adverbial phrases to express supposition, doubt, and uncertainty. These nuanced expressions are crucial for C1 level speakers to master, allowing for more sophisticated and precise communication. Let's examine some key phrases and their usage.

Common Adverbial Phrases of Supposition

À ce qu'il paraît (It seems that)

This phrase introduces information that's based on appearance or hearsay.


  • À ce qu'il paraît, le nouveau restaurant est excellent. (It seems the new restaurant is excellent.)

Apparemment (Apparently)

Used to present information that seems true based on available evidence.


  • Apparemment, il a obtenu le poste. (Apparently, he got the job.)

Peut-être (que) (Maybe, Perhaps)

Expresses possibility or uncertainty.


  • Peut-être qu'elle viendra demain. (Maybe she'll come tomorrow.)

More Advanced Expressions

Selon toute vraisemblance (In all likelihood)

This phrase indicates a high probability based on available information.


  • Selon toute vraisemblance, le projet sera terminé avant la date limite. (In all likelihood, the project will be completed before the deadline.)

Pour autant que je sache (As far as I know)

Used when expressing knowledge that might be limited or uncertain.


  • Pour autant que je sache, la réunion n'a pas été annulée. (As far as I know, the meeting hasn't been cancelled.)

Contextual Usage

In Academic or Professional Settings

These phrases are particularly useful in academic or professional contexts where precision and caution in statements are valued.


  • D'après les données disponibles, il semblerait que la théorie soit valide. (Based on the available data, it would seem that the theory is valid.)

In Everyday Conversation

Even in casual settings, these phrases add sophistication to your speech.


  • Il se pourrait que je sois en retard ce soir. (It's possible that I'll be late tonight.)

Mastering these adverbial phrases of supposition will significantly enhance your French expression at the C1 level. Practice incorporating them into your conversations and writings to convey nuanced degrees of certainty and add depth to your communication.

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