French Appointments: Business Meeting Guide
Essential Meeting Vocabulary
réunion (f) - meeting fixer un rendez-vous - to set up a meeting ordre du jour (m) - agenda salle de réunion (f) - meeting room participant(e) (m/f) - participant
Initiating Contact
"Je souhaite organiser une réunion." (I would like to organize a meeting.)
- Formal request to schedule
"Êtes-vous disponible la semaine prochaine?" (Are you available next week?)
- Checking availability
Setting the Time
"Quelle heure vous conviendrait?" (What time would suit you?)
- Polite way to ask for preferred time
"La réunion durera une heure." (The meeting will last one hour.)
- Specifying duration
Location Details
"La réunion aura lieu dans nos bureaux." (The meeting will take place in our offices.)
- Stating meeting location
"C'est au deuxième étage." (It's on the second floor.)
- Providing specific location details
Confirmation Emails
"Je vous confirme notre rendez-vous." (I confirm our appointment.)
- Standard confirmation opening
"Veuillez trouver ci-joint l'ordre du jour." (Please find attached the agenda.)
- Sending meeting materials
Professional Phrases
For Virtual Meetings: "Je vous enverrai le lien de connexion." (I will send you the connection link.)
For Changes: "Pourrions-nous reporter la réunion?" (Could we postpone the meeting?)
Cultural Notes
- French business meetings often start exactly on time
- Formal dress code is typically expected
- Business cards are commonly exchanged
- Morning meetings often scheduled around 9:30-10:00
Meeting Follow-up
"Je vous enverrai le compte-rendu." (I will send you the minutes.)
- Standard after-meeting practice
"Merci de confirmer votre présence." (Please confirm your attendance.)
- Requesting confirmation
Maintain formal language throughout business interactions. The French business environment values politeness and formality highly.