French Directions Part 2: Getting Around Buildings
Updated on 2024-11-20
Indoor Navigation Phrases
"Où sont les toilettes?" (Where are the restrooms?) "À quel étage?" (On which floor?) "Comment trouve-t-on...?" (How does one find...?)
Building Vocabulary
- l'ascenseur (the elevator)
- les escaliers (the stairs)
- l'entrée (the entrance)
- la sortie (the exit)
- le couloir (the hallway)
Floor Levels
- le rez-de-chaussée (ground floor)
- le premier étage (first floor)
- le sous-sol (basement)
Example Conversations:
Q: "Où est la salle de réunion?" (Where is the meeting room?) A: "Au deuxième étage, première porte à droite." (Second floor, first door on the right.)
Q: "Pour aller à l'accueil?" (How do I get to reception?) A: "C'est au rez-de-chaussée." (It's on the ground floor.)
Location Prepositions
- dans (in)
- sur (on)
- sous (under)
- entre (between)
- derrière (behind)
- devant (in front of)
Practical Examples:
- "La bibliothèque est au fond du couloir" (The library is at the end of the hall)
- "Les toilettes sont à côté de l'ascenseur" (The restrooms are next to the elevator)
Department Store Navigation
- "Le rayon femmes" (Women's department)
- "Les cabines d'essayage" (Fitting rooms)
- "La caisse" (Checkout counter)
Hotel Vocabulary
- "La réception" (Reception desk)
- "Le hall" (Lobby)
- "Le restaurant" (Restaurant)
- "La piscine" (Pool)
Emergency Exits
- "Sortie de secours" (Emergency exit)
- "Issue de secours" (Emergency exit)
- "En cas d'incendie" (In case of fire)
Cultural Notes
- French buildings start with "rez-de-chaussée" (ground floor)
- First floor in French is actually second floor in American English
- Many older buildings might not have elevators
Quick Phrases for Clarification
- "Pouvez-vous répéter?" (Can you repeat?)
- "Plus lentement, s'il vous plaît" (Slower, please)
- "Je n'ai pas compris" (I didn't understand)
Remember: Being polite and patient goes a long way when asking for directions in French establishments.