French Directions Part 2: Getting Around Buildings

Updated on 2024-11-20

Indoor Navigation Phrases

"Où sont les toilettes?" (Where are the restrooms?) "À quel étage?" (On which floor?) "Comment trouve-t-on...?" (How does one find...?)

Building Vocabulary

  1. l'ascenseur (the elevator)
  2. les escaliers (the stairs)
  3. l'entrée (the entrance)
  4. la sortie (the exit)
  5. le couloir (the hallway)

Floor Levels

  • le rez-de-chaussée (ground floor)
  • le premier étage (first floor)
  • le sous-sol (basement)

Example Conversations:

  1. Q: "Où est la salle de réunion?" (Where is the meeting room?) A: "Au deuxième étage, première porte à droite." (Second floor, first door on the right.)

  2. Q: "Pour aller à l'accueil?" (How do I get to reception?) A: "C'est au rez-de-chaussée." (It's on the ground floor.)

Location Prepositions

  1. dans (in)
  2. sur (on)
  3. sous (under)
  4. entre (between)
  5. derrière (behind)
  6. devant (in front of)

Practical Examples:

  1. "La bibliothèque est au fond du couloir" (The library is at the end of the hall)
  2. "Les toilettes sont à côté de l'ascenseur" (The restrooms are next to the elevator)

Department Store Navigation

  1. "Le rayon femmes" (Women's department)
  2. "Les cabines d'essayage" (Fitting rooms)
  3. "La caisse" (Checkout counter)

Hotel Vocabulary

  1. "La réception" (Reception desk)
  2. "Le hall" (Lobby)
  3. "Le restaurant" (Restaurant)
  4. "La piscine" (Pool)

Emergency Exits

  1. "Sortie de secours" (Emergency exit)
  2. "Issue de secours" (Emergency exit)
  3. "En cas d'incendie" (In case of fire)

Cultural Notes

  • French buildings start with "rez-de-chaussée" (ground floor)
  • First floor in French is actually second floor in American English
  • Many older buildings might not have elevators

Quick Phrases for Clarification

  1. "Pouvez-vous répéter?" (Can you repeat?)
  2. "Plus lentement, s'il vous plaît" (Slower, please)
  3. "Je n'ai pas compris" (I didn't understand)

Remember: Being polite and patient goes a long way when asking for directions in French establishments.

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