French Grammar: Gerunds' Formation and Usage

Updated on 2024-08-21

French gerunds, known as "le gérondif," are verb forms that express an action happening simultaneously with another action. They're formed using the present participle and are often equivalent to "-ing" forms in English.


To create a French gerund:

  1. Take the "nous" form of the present tense
  2. Remove the "-ons" ending
  3. Add "-ant"
  4. Precede with "en"


  • Parler (to speak) → Nous parlons → parl- → parlant → en parlant

Common Uses

French gerunds are typically used to express:

  1. Simultaneous actions "Je mange en regardant la télé." (I eat while watching TV.)

  2. Manner or means "Il a réussi en travaillant dur." (He succeeded by working hard.)

  3. Condition "En partant maintenant, nous arriverons à l'heure." (By leaving now, we'll arrive on time.)

Irregular Forms

Some verbs have irregular gerund forms:

  • Être → en étant
  • Avoir → en ayant
  • Savoir → en sachant

Tips for Usage

  • Unlike in English, French gerunds are always preceded by "en"
  • They remain invariable (don't change for gender or number)
  • Use gerunds sparingly; French often prefers other constructions where English might use gerunds

Remember, practice is key to mastering French gerunds. Try incorporating them into your daily French conversations or writing exercises.

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