French Greetings for Every Season: Holiday-Specific Hello's

Updated on 2024-08-26

French culture is deeply rooted in traditions, and this is particularly evident in the way people greet each other during holidays and special occasions.

These seasonal greetings reflect the warmth and richness of French customs, adding a special touch to celebrations throughout the year.

New Year's Greetings

The arrival of the new year is a significant event in France, marked by heartfelt wishes and expressions of hope.

  1. "Bonne année!" - Happy New Year!
  2. "Meilleurs vœux!" - Best wishes!
  3. "Que cette nouvelle année vous apporte bonheur et santé." - May this new year bring you happiness and health.
  4. "Je vous souhaite une excellente année." - I wish you an excellent year.
  5. "Bonne année et bonne santé!" - Happy New Year and good health!
  6. "Que tous vos vœux se réalisent." - May all your wishes come true.
  7. "Que 2025 soit remplie de joie pour vous." - May 2025 be filled with joy for you.
  8. "Santé, amour, et prospérité pour cette nouvelle année." - Health, love, and prosperity for this new year.
  9. "Joyeux Nouvel An!" - Happy New Year!
  10. "Tous mes vœux de bonheur pour l'année à venir." - All my wishes for happiness in the coming year.

Christmas Greetings

Christmas is a time of joy and family gatherings in France, reflected in warm holiday greetings.

  1. "Joyeux Noël!" - Merry Christmas!
  2. "Bonnes fêtes!" - Happy Holidays!
  3. "Passez de joyeuses fêtes." - Have a happy holiday season.
  4. "Meilleurs vœux pour un Noël plein de joie." - Best wishes for a Christmas full of joy.
  5. "Que la magie de Noël soit avec vous." - May the magic of Christmas be with you.
  6. "Un Noël blanc et des vœux chaleureux." - A white Christmas and warm wishes.
  7. "Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année." - Happy end-of-year holidays.
  8. "Que l'esprit de Noël illumine votre foyer." - May the spirit of Christmas illuminate your home.
  9. "Paix et amour en ce Noël." - Peace and love this Christmas.
  10. "Que votre Noël soit rempli de douceur." - May your Christmas be filled with sweetness.

Easter Greetings

Easter, or "Pâques," is celebrated with joy and renewal in France.

  1. "Joyeuses Pâques!" - Happy Easter!
  2. "Bonnes fêtes de Pâques!" - Happy Easter holidays!
  3. "Que ce printemps vous apporte renouveau et bonheur." - May this spring bring you renewal and happiness.
  4. "Meilleurs vœux pour une belle fête de Pâques." - Best wishes for a beautiful Easter celebration.
  5. "Que la joie de Pâques illumine votre foyer." - May the joy of Easter illuminate your home.
  6. "Un printemps fleuri et des vœux ensoleillés." - A flowery spring and sunny wishes.
  7. "Joyeuses cloches de Pâques!" - Happy Easter bells!
  8. "Que cette saison pascale vous apporte paix et sérénité." - May this Easter season bring you peace and serenity.
  9. "Profitez bien des festivités de Pâques." - Enjoy the Easter festivities.
  10. "Que votre panier de Pâques soit rempli de bonheur." - May your Easter basket be filled with happiness.

Summer Vacation Greetings

The French cherish their summer holidays, often exchanging warm wishes before parting for vacation.

  1. "Bonnes vacances!" - Have a good vacation!
  2. "Profitez bien de l'été!" - Enjoy the summer!
  3. "Reposez-vous bien!" - Rest well!
  4. "Je vous souhaite un été ensoleillé." - I wish you a sunny summer.
  5. "Que vos vacances soient reposantes." - May your holidays be relaxing.
  6. "Amusez-vous bien!" - Have fun!
  7. "Bon voyage et bonnes vacances!" - Have a good trip and a good vacation!
  8. "Passez de belles vacances d'été." - Have a great summer vacation.
  9. "Profitez de chaque moment de vos vacances." - Enjoy every moment of your vacation.
  10. "Que cet été soit rempli d'aventures!" - May this summer be filled with adventures!

Bastille Day Greetings

July 14th, France's national day, is celebrated with patriotic greetings.

  1. "Bonne fête nationale!" - Happy National Day!
  2. "Vive la France!" - Long live France!
  3. "Joyeux 14 juillet!" - Happy July 14th!
  4. "Célébrons ensemble la fête nationale." - Let's celebrate the national day together.
  5. "Que l'esprit de la Révolution soit avec vous." - May the spirit of the Revolution be with you.
  6. "Fêtons la liberté, l'égalité, et la fraternité." - Let's celebrate liberty, equality, and fraternity.
  7. "Bon feu d'artifice!" - Enjoy the fireworks!
  8. "Que cette journée soit remplie de fierté nationale." - May this day be filled with national pride.
  9. "Joyeuse fête de la Bastille!" - Happy Bastille Day!
  10. "Profitons ensemble de cette journée historique." - Let's enjoy this historic day together.

Practice Exercises

  1. Match the greeting to the appropriate holiday: a) "Joyeux Noël!" b) "Bonne année!" c) "Joyeuses Pâques!" d) "Bonne fête nationale!"

  2. Fill in the blank with the appropriate seasonal greeting: "En juillet, on dit souvent '________' pour célébrer la fête nationale."

  3. True or False: "Bonnes vacances!" is typically used as a Christmas greeting.

  4. Which greeting would you use to wish someone a good summer vacation?

  5. Translate the following greeting into English: "Que tous vos vœux se réalisent."

Answers and explanations can be found at the end of this article.


Understanding and using these seasonal greetings can greatly enhance your French language skills and cultural awareness. They provide a wonderful opportunity to connect with French speakers and show your appreciation for their traditions and celebrations.

Remember, the sincerity behind your greeting is just as important as the words themselves. Practice these phrases and use them with warmth and enthusiasm to truly embrace the spirit of French holiday greetings.

Answers to Practice Exercises

  1. a) Christmas, b) New Year's, c) Easter, d) Bastille Day
  2. "Bonne fête nationale!" or "Joyeux 14 juillet!"
  3. False. "Bonnes vacances!" is used for summer vacation.
  4. "Bonnes vacances!" or "Profitez bien de l'été!"
  5. "May all your wishes come true."

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