French Greetings for Language Learners: Pronunciation Guide

Updated on 2024-08-26

French greetings are the gateway to meaningful conversations and cultural connections. Proper pronunciation is key to making a great first impression and showing respect for the language. This guide will help you perfect your French greeting pronunciation, whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills.

Common French Greetings and Their Pronunciations

Bonjour (Hello)

  • Phonetic: bohn-zhoor
  • IPA: /bɔ̃ʒuʁ/
  • Tips: Round your lips for the "on" sound, and make a soft "zh" sound for the "j".

Salut (Hi)

  • Phonetic: sah-lew
  • IPA: /saly/
  • Tips: Keep your lips rounded for the "u" sound at the end.

Bonsoir (Good evening)

  • Phonetic: bohn-swahr
  • IPA: /bɔ̃swaʁ/
  • Tips: The "r" at the end is pronounced in the back of the throat.

Comment allez-vous? (How are you?)

  • Phonetic: koh-mahn tah-lay voo
  • IPA: /kɔmɑ̃ t‿ale vu/
  • Tips: Link "comment" and "allez" smoothly.

Enchanté(e) (Nice to meet you)

  • Phonetic: ahn-shahn-tay
  • IPA: /ɑ̃ʃɑ̃te/
  • Tips: The final "e" is pronounced for feminine form.

Au revoir (Goodbye)

  • Phonetic: oh ruh-vwahr
  • IPA: /o ʁə.vwaʁ/
  • Tips: The "r" sounds are soft and produced in the back of the throat.

À bientôt (See you soon)

  • Phonetic: ah byahn-toh
  • IPA: /a bjɛ̃to/
  • Tips: The "t" is pronounced, unlike in some French words.

Bonne journée (Have a good day)

  • Phonetic: bun zhoor-nay
  • IPA: /bɔn ʒuʁne/
  • Tips: The "ée" at the end is a long "ay" sound.

Merci (Thank you)

  • Phonetic: mair-see
  • IPA: /mɛʁsi/
  • Tips: The "r" is soft, almost like a light gargle.

S'il vous plaît (Please)

  • Phonetic: seel voo pleh
  • IPA: /sil vu plɛ/
  • Tips: The final "t" is silent.

Common Pronunciation Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Pronouncing silent letters at the end of words (e.g., the "t" in "salut").
  2. Not using nasal sounds correctly (e.g., in "bonjour" and "enchanté").
  3. Pronouncing the French "r" like an English "r".
  4. Forgetting to link words in phrases (e.g., "Comment allez-vous?").
  5. Not rounding the lips enough for "u" sounds.
  6. Stressing the wrong syllable (French words are usually stressed on the last syllable).
  7. Pronouncing "oi" as "oy" instead of "wah".
  8. Not differentiating between "u" and "ou" sounds.
  9. Mispronouncing silent "e" at the end of words.
  10. Forgetting to use liaisons between words when necessary.

Exercises to Improve Your French Greeting Pronunciation

Exercise 1: Nasal Sounds Practice

Repeat these words, focusing on the nasal sounds:

  • Bonjour
  • Enchanté
  • Comment
  • Bientôt

Exercise 2: French "R" Sound

Practice the French "r" in these greetings:

  • Au revoir
  • Bonsoir
  • Merci
  • Bonne journée

Exercise 3: Lip Rounding

Focus on rounding your lips for these words:

  • Salut
  • Vous
  • Au revoir
  • Bonjour

Exercise 4: Silent Letters

Identify and practice not pronouncing silent letters in:

  • Comment allez-vous?
  • S'il vous plaît
  • Salut
  • Enchantée (feminine form)

Exercise 5: Liaison Practice

Practice linking words in these phrases:

  • Comment allez-vous?
  • Vous êtes
  • Nous allons

Tips for Mastering French Greeting Pronunciation

  1. Listen to native speakers and mimic their intonation.
  2. Use language learning apps with audio features.
  3. Record yourself and compare with native pronunciations.
  4. Practice in front of a mirror to observe lip and mouth movements.
  5. Break down difficult words into syllables.
  6. Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for French.
  7. Attend language exchange meetups to practice with native speakers.
  8. Watch French movies or TV shows with subtitles.
  9. Use tongue twisters to improve overall pronunciation.
  10. Be patient and consistent in your practice.


Mastering French greeting pronunciation takes time and practice. By focusing on common expressions, avoiding typical mistakes, and engaging in regular practice exercises, you'll soon be greeting others in French with confidence and clarity. Remember, the key to improvement is consistent practice and exposure to the language. Bonne chance! (Good luck!)

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