French imperative mood: formation and use

Updated on 2024-08-12

The French imperative mood is used to give commands, make requests, or offer advice. It's a direct way of telling someone to do something, and it's essential for effective communication in French.


To form the imperative:

  1. Use the present tense conjugation of tu, nous, or vous.
  2. Drop the subject pronoun.
  3. For -er verbs, remove the 's' from the tu form.

Common Uses


  • "Ferme la porte !" (Close the door!)
  • "Allons-y !" (Let's go!)


  • "S'il vous plaît, parlez plus lentement." (Please speak more slowly.)


  • "Mange des légumes pour rester en bonne santé." (Eat vegetables to stay healthy.)


To make a negative imperative, simply add "ne... pas" around the verb:

  • "Ne parlez pas si fort !" (Don't speak so loudly!)

Pronouns with Imperatives

When using object pronouns with affirmative imperatives, they come after the verb and are connected with hyphens:

  • "Donne-le-moi !" (Give it to me!)

In negative imperatives, pronouns come before the verb:

  • "Ne me le donne pas !" (Don't give it to me!)

Irregular Verbs

Some common irregular imperatives:

  • Être: sois, soyons, soyez
  • Avoir: aie, ayons, ayez
  • Savoir: sache, sachons, sachez

Remember, the imperative is a powerful tool in French for direct communication. Practice using it in various contexts to enhance your language skills.

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