French Laundromat Vocabulary

Updated on 2024-08-26

Visiting a laundromat in France? Here's the essential vocabulary and phrases you'll need to navigate this everyday task with confidence.

Basic Laundromat Vocabulary

Machine Types

  • La machine à laver - Washing machine
  • Le sèche-linge - Dryer
  • La laveuse - Washer (Canadian French)
  • L'essoreuse - Spin dryer
  • Le lave-linge - Washing machine (alternative term)
  • La machine à jetons - Coin-operated machine
  • Le distributeur de lessive - Detergent dispenser
  • Le distributeur de monnaie - Change machine

Laundry Items

  • Le linge - Laundry
  • Les vêtements - Clothes
  • Les draps - Sheets
  • Les serviettes - Towels
  • La lessive - Detergent
  • L'adoucissant - Fabric softener
  • Les pièces de monnaie - Coins
  • Le panier à linge - Laundry basket

Common Phrases and Questions

Starting Your Laundry

  • "Comment fonctionne cette machine?" - How does this machine work?
  • "Où puis-je acheter de la lessive?" - Where can I buy detergent?
  • "Combien coûte un lavage?" - How much does a wash cost?
  • "Avez-vous de la monnaie?" - Do you have change?

During the Process

  • "Combien de temps dure un cycle?" - How long does a cycle take?
  • "Où sont les chariots?" - Where are the carts?
  • "Y a-t-il un endroit pour plier le linge?" - Is there a place to fold laundry?
  • "Puis-je laisser mon linge sans surveillance?" - Can I leave my laundry unattended?


  • "La machine ne démarre pas." - The machine won't start.
  • "J'ai perdu mon ticket." - I've lost my ticket.
  • "Il y a un problème avec le sèche-linge." - There's a problem with the dryer.
  • "Pouvez-vous m'aider?" - Can you help me?

Useful Tips

  1. Bring Your Own Supplies: Most French laundromats don't provide detergent, so bring your own "lessive" and "adoucissant."

  2. Check Machine Compatibility: Some machines only accept certain coin denominations or cards. Look for "Pièces acceptées" or "Carte bancaire acceptée" signs.

  3. Mind the Schedule: French laundromats often have busier times. Try to avoid weekends if possible.

  4. Learn Laundry Symbols: French care labels use symbols. Familiarize yourself with "symboles d'entretien" to avoid laundry mishaps.

  5. Be Prepared to Wait: Bring a book or use the time to practice your French with locals.

  6. Respect Others' Space: Be mindful of others' laundry and personal space in the "laverie automatique."

  7. Know the Closing Time: Many laundromats in France close earlier than you might expect. Check the "horaires d'ouverture."

  8. Ask for Help: Don't hesitate to ask "Pouvez-vous m'aider?" if you're unsure about anything.

By familiarizing yourself with these terms and phrases, you'll be well-equipped to handle your laundry needs in France. Remember, using a laundromat can be a great opportunity to practice your French in a real-life setting!

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