French Numbers in Daily Life: Time, Dates, and Years
Telling Time
Hours follow a 24-hour format: 13h00 - treize heures (1:00 PM) 14h30 - quatorze heures trente (2:30 PM)
Example Uses:
"Il est huit heures" (It's 8:00)
- Uses plain numbers for hours
"À midi et demi" (At 12:30)
- Special expression for half hours
1er - premier (1st) 2 - deux (2nd) 3 - trois (3rd) etc.
Example Sentences:
"Le trois mai" (May 3rd)
- Day before month in French
"C'est le premier avril" (It's April 1st)
- "Premier" is special for first day
1999 - mille neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf 2024 - deux mille vingt-quatre
Reading Years:
"Je suis né en mille neuf cent quatre-vingt-quinze" (I was born in 1995)
- Years are read in full numbers
"En deux mille vingt-quatre" (In 2024)
- Modern years start with "deux mille"
Quantities and Measurements
"Deux cents grammes de fromage" (200 grams of cheese)
- Used for food quantities
"Un kilo et demi" (1.5 kilos)
- Common in recipes
"Cinq kilomètres" (5 kilometers)
- Used for directions
"Trois cents mètres" (300 meters)
- Short distances
Money and Prices
"Ça coûte quatre euros cinquante" (It costs 4.50€)
- Daily shopping
"Mille euros" (1000 euros)
- Larger amounts
Key Points
- Always say numbers clearly and slowly
- Group numbers logically when speaking
- Practice with real-life situations
- Learn numbers through daily contexts
Numbers are used differently in different contexts. Pay attention to the situation to use them correctly.