French Participle Agreement: When and How to Apply It

Updated on 2024-08-12

Participle agreement in French can be tricky, even for advanced learners. This guide will help you navigate the nuances of when and how to apply participle agreement in various contexts.

Basic Rules of Participle Agreement

In French, past participles sometimes agree with the subject or direct object of a sentence. The general rule is:

  • With être: The participle agrees with the subject
  • With avoir: The participle agrees with the direct object if it comes before the verb

Agreement with Être

When using être as an auxiliary verb, the past participle always agrees with the subject in gender and number.


  • Elle est partie tôt. (She left early.)
  • Ils sont arrivés hier. (They arrived yesterday.)

Agreement with Avoir

With avoir, agreement occurs only when the direct object precedes the verb.


  • Les livres qu'il a achetés sont sur la table. (The books he bought are on the table.)
  • Il a acheté des livres. (He bought some books.) - No agreement

Reflexive Verbs

With reflexive verbs, the participle usually agrees with the reflexive pronoun if it's the direct object.


  • Elle s'est lavée. (She washed herself.)
  • Ils se sont parlé. (They spoke to each other.) - No agreement as 'se' is indirect object

Tricky Cases

Verbs Followed by Infinitives

When a verb is followed by an infinitive, agreement depends on the subject of the infinitive.


  • La chanson que j'ai entendue chanter. (The song I heard being sung.)
  • La chanteuse que j'ai entendu chanter. (The singer I heard singing.)

Impersonal Expressions

With impersonal expressions, there's typically no agreement.


  • La chaleur qu'il a fait cet été. (The heat we had this summer.)

Practice Makes Perfect

Mastering participle agreement takes time and practice. Pay close attention to the structure of sentences and identify direct objects to determine when agreement is necessary. Regular exposure to French media and literature will help reinforce these rules in context.

Remember, even native French speakers sometimes struggle with participle agreement in complex sentences. Don't be discouraged if you find it challenging – it's a sign you're engaging with advanced aspects of the language!

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