French Phrases for Ordering at a Restaurant

Updated on 2024-08-26

Dining out in France can be a delightful experience, especially when you can communicate effectively with the waitstaff. This guide will help you navigate French restaurants with confidence by teaching you key phrases for ordering food, requesting the menu, and asking for the bill.

Essential Restaurant Vocabulary

Before we dive into specific phrases, let's review some essential restaurant vocabulary:

  • le menu: the menu
  • la carte: the à la carte menu
  • le plat du jour: dish of the day
  • l'entrée: starter
  • le plat principal: main course
  • le dessert: dessert
  • la boisson: drink
  • l'addition: the bill

Requesting the Menu

When you first sit down at a restaurant, you'll likely want to see the menu. Here are some phrases to help you:

  1. "Pouvez-vous nous apporter la carte, s'il vous plaît?" (Can you bring us the menu, please?)
  2. "Je voudrais voir le menu, s'il vous plaît." (I would like to see the menu, please.)
  3. "Avez-vous une carte en anglais?" (Do you have a menu in English?)
  4. "Qu'est-ce que vous recommandez?" (What do you recommend?)
  5. "Quel est le plat du jour?" (What is the dish of the day?)
  6. "Y a-t-il des spécialités régionales?" (Are there any regional specialties?)
  7. "Avez-vous un menu végétarien?" (Do you have a vegetarian menu?)
  8. "Pouvez-vous m'expliquer ce plat?" (Can you explain this dish to me?)

Ordering Your Meal

Once you're ready to order, use these phrases:

  1. "Je voudrais..." (I would like...)
  2. "Pour moi, ce sera..." (For me, it will be...)
  3. "Je prendrai..." (I'll have...)
  4. "Comme entrée, je choisis..." (For a starter, I'll choose...)
  5. "Pour le plat principal, je vais prendre..." (For the main course, I'll have...)
  6. "Et comme dessert..." (And for dessert...)
  7. "À boire, je voudrais..." (To drink, I would like...)
  8. "Est-ce que je peux avoir...?" (Can I have...?)

Asking for the Bill

When you're finished with your meal and ready to leave, you'll need to ask for the bill. Here are several ways to do this:

  1. "L'addition, s'il vous plaît." (The bill, please.)
  2. "Pouvons-nous avoir l'addition?" (Can we have the bill?)
  3. "Je voudrais payer, s'il vous plaît." (I would like to pay, please.)
  4. "On peut régler?" (Can we settle the bill?)
  5. "Est-ce qu'on pourrait avoir la note?" (Could we have the check?)
  6. "C'est pour régler." (It's to pay.)
  7. "Le compte, s'il vous plaît." (The account, please.)
  8. "On aimerait payer maintenant." (We would like to pay now.)

Additional Useful Phrases

Here are some extra phrases that might come in handy:

  1. "C'était délicieux!" (It was delicious!)
  2. "Pouvez-vous nous resservir du pain?" (Can you bring us more bread?)
  3. "Est-ce que le service est compris?" (Is the service included?)
  4. "Puis-je avoir un sac pour emporter les restes?" (Can I have a bag to take away the leftovers?)
  5. "Y a-t-il des plats sans gluten?" (Are there any gluten-free dishes?)
  6. "Pouvez-vous me dire les ingrédients de ce plat?" (Can you tell me the ingredients in this dish?)
  7. "Est-ce que vous acceptez les cartes de crédit?" (Do you accept credit cards?)
  8. "Où sont les toilettes, s'il vous plaît?" (Where are the restrooms, please?)

Remember, politeness goes a long way in French culture. Always start your requests with "s'il vous plaît" (please) and end your interactions with "merci" (thank you). With these phrases in your repertoire, you'll be well-equipped to enjoy dining out in France like a local!

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