French preposition "chez" meaning and usage

Updated on 2024-08-12

The French preposition "chez" is a versatile and commonly used word that often confuses learners. Let's explore its meaning and usage to help you incorporate it confidently in your French conversations.

Meaning of "chez"

"Chez" generally translates to "at the home of" or "at the place of" in English. However, its usage extends beyond just referring to someone's house.

Common uses of "chez"

Referring to someone's home

The most common use of "chez" is to indicate being at someone's home:

  • Je vais chez Marie. (I'm going to Marie's house.)
  • Il y a une fête chez Paul ce soir. (There's a party at Paul's place tonight.)

Referring to businesses or establishments

"Chez" can also be used when talking about businesses, especially restaurants or shops named after a person:

  • Nous dînons chez Pierre. (We're dining at Pierre's restaurant.)
  • J'achète mon pain chez le boulanger du coin. (I buy my bread at the corner baker's shop.)

Expressing customs or characteristics

"Chez" can be used to describe habits or traits typical of a group:

  • Chez les Français, le fromage est souvent servi après le plat principal. (Among the French, cheese is often served after the main course.)

Important notes

  • "Chez" is always followed by a person, group of people, or a place named after a person.
  • It's not used with the names of countries or cities. Instead, use "en," "à," or "dans" for locations.

Remember, mastering prepositions like "chez" will greatly improve your French fluency. Practice using it in various contexts to make it a natural part of your French vocabulary.

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