French Present Participle: Formation and Use

Updated on 2024-08-19

The French present participle is a versatile verb form that serves multiple functions. Let's explore how to form it and when to use it in different contexts.


To form the present participle in French:

  1. Take the first-person plural (nous) form of the present tense
  2. Remove the -ons ending
  3. Add -ant

For example:

  • parler (to speak) → parlant
  • finir (to finish) → finissant
  • vendre (to sell) → vendant


  • être → étant
  • avoir → ayant
  • savoir → sachant


As a Gerund

The present participle can function as a gerund when preceded by "en":

  • En mangeant, je regarde la télé. (While eating, I watch TV.)
  • Il est tombé en courant. (He fell while running.)

As a Verbal Adjective

It can also describe nouns, similar to adjectives:

  • Une histoire passionnante (An exciting story)
  • Des enfants souriants (Smiling children)

To Express Cause

Sometimes, it's used to express a cause:

  • Ayant fini ses devoirs, elle est sortie. (Having finished her homework, she went out.)

Remember, the present participle is invariable in French, meaning it doesn't change for gender or number. Use it to add depth and nuance to your French expressions.

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