French tenses: How to use "depuis"

Updated on 2024-08-21

When learning French, understanding how to use "depuis" (meaning "since" or "for") with different tenses can be tricky. This guide will help you master its usage with the present tense and passé composé.

Using "depuis" with present tense

In French, when describing an action or state that began in the past and continues into the present, use "depuis" with the present tense:

  • Je travaille ici depuis 2010. (I have been working here since 2010.)
  • Il pleut depuis ce matin. (It has been raining since this morning.)

"Depuis" with passé composé

Use "depuis" with passé composé when talking about a completed action that lasted for a specific duration:

  • J'ai vécu à Paris depuis trois ans. (I lived in Paris for three years.)
  • Nous avons attendu depuis une heure. (We waited for an hour.)

Common mistakes to avoid

English speakers often mistakenly use the perfect tense where French uses the present:

  • Incorrect: J'ai habité ici depuis 5 ans.
  • Correct: J'habite ici depuis 5 ans. (I have been living here for 5 years.)

Remember, if the action is ongoing, stick with the present tense in French.

By understanding these rules, you'll be able to use "depuis" correctly in various contexts, improving your French fluency.

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