French verb agreement with "on"

Updated on 2024-08-12

The pronoun "on" in French can be tricky for learners, especially when it comes to verb agreement. Let's clarify how to use it correctly.

Basic Usage

"On" is a versatile pronoun that can mean "one," "we," or "people" in general. It always takes a singular verb form, even when referring to multiple people.

Verb Conjugation

When using "on," conjugate the verb as you would for il/elle (third person singular):

  • On parle français. (We/One speaks French.)
  • On va au cinéma. (We're/One is going to the movies.)

Common Misconceptions

Plural Agreement

A common error is to use plural verb forms with "on." This is incorrect:

  • ❌ On parlent français.
  • ✅ On parle français.

Adjective Agreement

While the verb is always singular, adjectives can be plural if "on" clearly refers to multiple people:

  • On est contents. (We are happy.)

Examples in Context

  • Chez nous, on mange à 20h. (At our place, we eat at 8 PM.)
  • En France, on boit beaucoup de vin. (In France, people drink a lot of wine.)
  • On ne sait jamais ce qui peut arriver. (You never know what might happen.)

Remember, "on" offers flexibility in expression but requires attention to verb agreement. Practice using it in various contexts to master this nuanced aspect of French grammar.

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