Futur proche in French

Updated on 2024-08-21

The futur proche, or near future, is a commonly used tense in French to talk about events that will happen in the immediate future. It's equivalent to "going to" in English.


To form the futur proche:

  1. Conjugate the verb "aller" in the present tense
  2. Add the infinitive of the main verb


  • Je vais manger (I'm going to eat)
  • Tu vas dormir (You're going to sleep)
  • Nous allons partir (We're going to leave)


The futur proche is used for:

  1. Actions that will happen soon

    • Je vais prendre une douche. (I'm going to take a shower.)
  2. Planned future events

    • Nous allons voyager en France cet été. (We're going to travel to France this summer.)
  3. Intentions or decisions made in the moment

    • Il pleut. Je vais prendre un parapluie. (It's raining. I'm going to take an umbrella.)

Futur proche vs. Simple Future

While the futur proche expresses near-future events, the simple future is used for more distant or less certain events. Compare:

  • Je vais acheter une voiture le mois prochain. (I'm going to buy a car next month.)
  • J'achèterai une voiture un jour. (I will buy a car someday.)

Remember, the futur proche is a useful and common way to express future actions in French, especially in everyday conversations.

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