Futur Simple in French: Formation and Usage

Updated on 2024-08-19

The futur simple, or simple future tense, is an essential part of French grammar. It's used to talk about future events or actions. Let's explore how to form and use this tense effectively.

Formation of Futur Simple

Regular Verbs

For regular verbs, simply add the following endings to the infinitive:

  • -ai (je)
  • -as (tu)
  • -a (il/elle/on)
  • -ons (nous)
  • -ez (vous)
  • -ont (ils/elles)

Example with "parler" (to speak):

  • Je parlerai (I will speak)
  • Tu parleras (You will speak)
  • Il/Elle/On parlera (He/She/One will speak)
  • Nous parlerons (We will speak)
  • Vous parlerez (You will speak)
  • Ils/Elles parleront (They will speak)

Irregular Verbs

Some common irregular verbs in the futur simple:

  • Être (to be) → ser-
  • Avoir (to have) → aur-
  • Aller (to go) → ir-
  • Faire (to do/make) → fer-

Example: "Je serai à Paris demain." (I will be in Paris tomorrow.)


The futur simple is used to:

  1. Express future actions or events "Nous visiterons la Tour Eiffel la semaine prochaine." (We will visit the Eiffel Tower next week.)

  2. Make predictions "Il pleuvra demain." (It will rain tomorrow.)

  3. Express promises or intentions "Je t'appellerai ce soir." (I will call you tonight.)

Common Expressions

Some time expressions often used with futur simple:

  • Demain (tomorrow)
  • La semaine prochaine (next week)
  • L'année prochaine (next year)
  • Dans deux jours (in two days)
  • Bientôt (soon)

Remember, practice is key to mastering the futur simple. Try constructing sentences about your future plans to reinforce your learning.

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