Future Simple in French: When and How to Use It

Updated on 2024-08-17

The Future Simple tense in French is essential for discussing future events and plans. This guide will help you understand when to use it and how to form it correctly.

When to Use Future Simple

The Future Simple is used to:

  • Talk about future events or actions
  • Make predictions
  • Express promises or intentions


To form the Future Simple, follow these steps:

  1. Start with the infinitive of the verb
  2. For -er and -ir verbs, keep the entire infinitive
  3. For -re verbs, remove the final -e
  4. Add the appropriate endings: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont

Regular Verb Examples

Parler (to speak)

  • Je parlerai (I will speak)
  • Tu parleras (You will speak)
  • Il/Elle/On parlera (He/She/One will speak)
  • Nous parlerons (We will speak)
  • Vous parlerez (You will speak)
  • Ils/Elles parleront (They will speak)

Finir (to finish)

  • Je finirai (I will finish)
  • Tu finiras (You will finish)
  • Il/Elle/On finira (He/She/One will finish)
  • Nous finirons (We will finish)
  • Vous finirez (You will finish)
  • Ils/Elles finiront (They will finish)

Vendre (to sell)

  • Je vendrai (I will sell)
  • Tu vendras (You will sell)
  • Il/Elle/On vendra (He/She/One will sell)
  • Nous vendrons (We will sell)
  • Vous vendrez (You will sell)
  • Ils/Elles vendront (They will sell)

Irregular Verbs

Some common irregular verbs in the Future Simple:

  • Être (to be): Je serai, tu seras, il sera...
  • Avoir (to have): J'aurai, tu auras, il aura...
  • Aller (to go): J'irai, tu iras, il ira...
  • Faire (to do/make): Je ferai, tu feras, il fera...

Usage Examples

  1. "Je partirai en vacances demain." (I will leave for vacation tomorrow.)
  2. "Il pleuvra ce weekend." (It will rain this weekend.)
  3. "Nous finirons le projet la semaine prochaine." (We will finish the project next week.)

Remember, the Future Simple is just one way to express future actions in French. For immediate future, French often uses the near future tense (futur proche), formed with "aller" + infinitive.

By mastering the Future Simple, you'll be able to discuss future plans and make predictions with confidence in French conversations.

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