Hello in French Slang: Cool Ways to Greet Your Friends

Updated on 2024-08-26

French slang greetings are a vibrant part of the language, constantly evolving and reflecting the creativity of French youth. These informal expressions add color and personality to everyday conversations. Let's look at some popular slang greetings, their origins, and when to use them.

Popular French Slang Greetings

1. Salut

  • Meaning: Hi or Bye
  • Usage: Very common, suitable for friends and peers
  • Origin: From Latin 'salus' meaning health or well-being

2. Coucou

  • Meaning: Hey there
  • Usage: Friendly and cute, often used among close friends
  • Origin: Onomatopoeic, imitating the sound of a cuckoo bird

3. Wesh

  • Meaning: What's up
  • Usage: Very informal, popular among youth in urban areas
  • Origin: From Algerian Arabic 'wash' meaning 'what'

4. Yo

  • Meaning: Hi
  • Usage: Very casual, influenced by American slang
  • Origin: Borrowed directly from English

5. Kikou

  • Meaning: Hey
  • Usage: Playful, often used in online conversations
  • Origin: Variation of 'coucou'

6. Slt

  • Meaning: Hi (abbreviation of 'salut')
  • Usage: Common in text messages and online chats
  • Origin: Internet slang abbreviation

7. Ça baigne ?

  • Meaning: How's it going? (literally "Is it swimming?")
  • Usage: Casual inquiry about someone's well-being
  • Origin: Colloquial expression related to swimming or floating easily

8. Quoi de neuf ?

  • Meaning: What's new?
  • Usage: Casual way to start a conversation
  • Origin: Literal translation of the phrase

9. La forme ?

  • Meaning: How are you? (literally "The shape?")
  • Usage: Informal way to ask about someone's condition
  • Origin: Shortened from "Comment est ta forme ?" (How's your shape/form?)

10. Bien ou bien ?

  • Meaning: All good? (literally "Good or good?")
  • Usage: Playful way to ask if everything's okay
  • Origin: Repetition for emphasis, common in youth slang

When and How to Use French Slang Greetings

French slang greetings are best used in casual settings with friends, classmates, or peers. They're not suitable for formal situations or with people you don't know well. Here are some guidelines:

  • Use with friends of similar age
  • Avoid in professional or academic settings
  • Consider the regional context (some expressions are more common in certain areas)
  • Pay attention to the tone and body language of others to gauge appropriateness

The Evolution of French Slang

French slang, including greetings, is constantly changing. New expressions emerge from:

  • Internet culture and social media
  • Immigrant communities and cultural fusion
  • Pop culture and media influences
  • Creative wordplay and abbreviations

Practice Exercises

  1. Match the slang greeting to its meaning: a) Wesh b) Coucou c) Ça baigne ? d) Kikou

    1. Hey there 2) What's up 3) How's it going? 4) Hey
  2. In which situation would you use "Salut" vs "Bonjour"?

  3. Create a short dialogue using at least three French slang greetings.


French slang greetings add flavor and authenticity to your conversations. They show familiarity with the language beyond textbook French. Remember, context is key. Use these expressions wisely, and you'll sound more like a native speaker in no time!

Answers to Practice Exercises

  1. a2, b1, c3, d4
  2. Use "Salut" with friends or peers in informal settings. Use "Bonjour" in formal situations or with people you don't know well.
  3. Example dialogue: A: Yo, ça baigne ? B: Wesh ! Ouais, tout va bien. Quoi de neuf ? A: Pas grand-chose. On se voit plus tard ? B: Carrément ! À plus !

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