How to ask about "What is this?" in French

Updated on 2024-08-21

Knowing how to ask "What is this?" in French is essential for language learners. This simple question can help you identify objects, learn new vocabulary, and engage in everyday conversations. Let's explore the various ways to express this question in French.

Basic Expression: "Qu'est-ce que c'est ?"

The most common way to ask "What is this?" in French is:

"Qu'est-ce que c'est ?"

This phrase is versatile and can be used in most situations, whether formal or informal. It's pronounced as "kes-kuh say" and literally translates to "What is it that it is?"

Informal Alternative: "C'est quoi ?"

In casual settings or among friends, you might hear:

"C'est quoi ?"

This is a more relaxed way of asking the same question. It's pronounced "say kwah" and literally means "It's what?"

Pointing Out Specific Objects

If you're pointing to something specific, you can use:

"Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?" (What is that?)

Or more informally:

"C'est quoi, ça ?" (What's that?)

Usage Examples

  • At a market: "Qu'est-ce que c'est que ce fruit ?" (What is this fruit?)
  • With friends: "C'est quoi, ce truc ?" (What's this thing?)
  • In a formal setting: "Pourriez-vous me dire ce que c'est ?" (Could you tell me what this is?)

Remember, the tone and context of your conversation will determine which form is most appropriate. Practice these phrases to confidently inquire about unfamiliar objects in French-speaking environments.

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