How to Ask for Directions in French

Updated on 2024-08-12

When you're exploring a new French-speaking city, knowing how to ask for directions is crucial. This guide will equip you with the basic phrases you need to find your way around with confidence.

Basic Phrases for Asking Directions

Start your question with one of these phrases:

  • Excusez-moi, où est... ? (Excuse me, where is...?)
  • Pouvez-vous me dire comment aller à... ? (Can you tell me how to get to...?)
  • Je cherche... (I'm looking for...)

Key Vocabulary


  • la gare - the train station
  • l'hôtel de ville - the town hall
  • le musée - the museum
  • la banque - the bank
  • le supermarché - the supermarket

Directional Words

  • à droite - to the right
  • à gauche - to the left
  • tout droit - straight ahead
  • au coin - at the corner
  • près de - near
  • loin de - far from

Example Dialogue

You: Excusez-moi, où est la banque ? Local: La banque est à deux rues d'ici. Allez tout droit, puis tournez à gauche au feu rouge. You: Merci beaucoup ! Local: De rien, bonne journée !

Tips for Understanding Responses

  • Listen for numbers, which might indicate how many streets or blocks to go.
  • Pay attention to hand gestures, as they often accompany directions.
  • If you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask: "Pouvez-vous répéter, s'il vous plaît ?" (Can you repeat, please?)

Remember, practice makes perfect. Try using these phrases in real situations, and you'll soon navigate French-speaking areas with ease!

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