How to form French adverbs from adjectives

Updated on 2024-08-12

Forming adverbs from adjectives in French is generally straightforward, but there are some important rules and exceptions to remember. Let's explore how to create and use these adverbs correctly.

The General Rule

To form most French adverbs from adjectives:

  1. Take the feminine form of the adjective
  2. Add "-ment" to the end

For example:

  • Lent (slow) → lente → lentement (slowly)
  • Heureux (happy) → heureuse → heureusement (happily)

Exceptions and Special Cases

Adjectives Ending in -ant or -ent

For adjectives ending in -ant or -ent, replace the -ant or -ent with -amment or -emment:

  • Constant → constamment (constantly)
  • Évident → évidemment (evidently)

Adjectives Ending in a Vowel

For adjectives ending in a vowel (except -e), simply add -ment:

  • Vrai → vraiment (truly)
  • Absolu → absolument (absolutely)

Irregular Adverbs

Some common adverbs are irregular and must be memorized:

  • Bon → bien (well)
  • Mauvais → mal (badly)
  • Meilleur → mieux (better)

Using French Adverbs

Adverbs typically come after the verb in French:

  • Elle parle doucement. (She speaks softly.)
  • Il travaille efficacement. (He works efficiently.)

Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to using adverbs correctly in French!

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