How to form questions in French

Updated on 2024-08-12

Asking questions is essential for communication and learning. In French, there are several ways to form questions, each with its own level of formality and usage. Let's explore the three main methods:


The simplest way to ask a question in French is by using intonation. Simply raise your voice at the end of a statement:

  • Tu aimes le café. (You like coffee.)
  • Tu aimes le café ? (Do you like coffee?)

This method is common in casual, everyday speech.

Est-ce que

For a more formal approach, start your question with "est-ce que" (is it that):

  • Est-ce que tu aimes le café ? (Do you like coffee?)

This structure works for yes/no questions and is widely used in both spoken and written French.


Inversion involves switching the subject and verb:

  • Aimes-tu le café ? (Do you like coffee?)

This is the most formal method and is often used in writing or formal speech.

Remember, practice is key to mastering these question forms. Start with intonation for simple queries, and gradually incorporate "est-ce que" and inversion as you become more comfortable with French.

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