How to form the French imperative

Updated on 2024-08-21

The French imperative mood is used to give commands, make requests, or offer advice. It's an essential part of everyday French communication. Let's explore how to form and use the imperative in French.

Forming the Imperative

The imperative is typically formed using the present tense conjugation, but without the subject pronoun. It exists in three forms:

  • Tu (informal singular)
  • Vous (formal singular or plural)
  • Nous (first person plural)

For regular -er, -ir, and -re verbs, simply use the present tense conjugation without the pronoun:

  • Parler (to speak): Parle ! (Speak!)
  • Finir (to finish): Finis ! (Finish!)
  • Attendre (to wait): Attends ! (Wait!)

Irregular Verbs

Some common irregular verbs have special imperative forms:

  • Être (to be): Sois, Soyons, Soyez
  • Avoir (to have): Aie, Ayons, Ayez
  • Aller (to go): Va, Allons, Allez

Usage Examples

Here are some common scenarios where you might use the imperative:

  1. Giving directions: "Tourne à gauche" (Turn left)

  2. Offering advice: "Mangez plus de légumes" (Eat more vegetables)

  3. Making requests: "Passe-moi le sel, s'il te plaît" (Pass me the salt, please)

Negative Imperative

To form a negative command, simply add "ne" before and "pas" after the verb:

"Ne parle pas si fort" (Don't speak so loudly)

Remember, the imperative is a direct way of communication, so always consider the context and your relationship with the person you're addressing when using it in French.

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