How to Say 'Excuse Me' in French

Updated on 2024-08-20

Knowing how to say "excuse me" in French is essential for polite communication. The French language offers several expressions for this phrase, each suited to different contexts. Let's explore the most common ways to express "excuse me" in French.

Common Expressions for "Excuse Me"


"Pardon" is the most versatile and commonly used expression for "excuse me" in French. It's appropriate for many situations:

  • When you bump into someone: "Pardon!"
  • To get someone's attention: "Pardon, monsieur..."
  • To ask someone to repeat something: "Pardon?"


"Excusez-moi" is a more formal way to say "excuse me." Use it in these scenarios:

  • Interrupting someone: "Excusez-moi de vous déranger..."
  • Asking for help from a stranger: "Excusez-moi, pourriez-vous m'aider?"

Je vous prie de m'excuser

This phrase is the most formal way to apologize or excuse yourself. It's used in very polite or professional settings:

  • In a business email: "Je vous prie de m'excuser pour le retard de ma réponse."
  • After a significant mistake: "Je vous prie de m'excuser pour cette erreur."

Situational Usage

In a Crowd

When moving through a crowd, use "Pardon" repeatedly as you make your way through.

Sneeze or Cough

After sneezing or coughing, say "Excusez-moi" or simply "Pardon."

Leaving Early

If you need to leave a gathering early, say "Excusez-moi, je dois partir."

Informal Expressions

With friends or in casual settings, you might hear:

  • "Désolé(e)" - Sorry
  • "Oups!" - Oops!

Remember, the key to using "excuse me" in French is choosing the right expression for the situation. Practice these phrases to navigate French conversations with politeness and ease.

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