How to Use "Ça Va" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

"Ça va" is one of the most common and versatile expressions in French. It's used in various situations, from greetings to checking on someone's well-being. Let's explore its meanings and uses.

Basic Meaning

"Ça va" literally translates to "it goes" but is generally understood as "It's going well" or "Things are fine."

Common Uses

As a Greeting

  • Q: "Ça va ?" (How are you?)
  • A: "Ça va bien, merci." (I'm doing well, thanks.)

To Express Wellness

"Ça va" can be used to say you're feeling okay:

  • "Je suis un peu fatigué, mais ça va." (I'm a bit tired, but I'm okay.)

To Ask for Agreement

"Ça va ?" at the end of a sentence means "Is that okay?" or "Does that work for you?"

  • "On se retrouve à 18h, ça va ?" (Let's meet at 6 PM, is that okay?)


  • "Ça va aller" - It will be okay
  • "Ça ne va pas" - Things aren't going well
  • "Comment ça va ?" - How are things going?

Tips for Usage

  1. Context is key. Pay attention to tone and situation to understand the intended meaning.
  2. "Ça va" can be both a question and an answer.
  3. It's informal, so use it with friends and in casual settings.

Remember, mastering "ça va" will make your French conversations flow more naturally and help you fit in with native speakers.

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