How to Use "Allons" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

"Allons" is a common French word that you'll often hear in everyday conversations. It's a versatile term with several uses, primarily as a conjugated form of the verb "aller" (to go). Let's explore its meaning and various applications.

Basic Meaning and Usage

"Allons" is the first-person plural (nous) form of "aller" in the present tense. It translates to "we go" or "let's go" in English.


  • Nous allons au cinéma. (We are going to the cinema.)
  • Allons-y ! (Let's go!)

As an Imperative

"Allons" is often used as an imperative, encouraging a group to take action:

  • Allons manger ! (Let's eat!)
  • Allons voir ce qui se passe. (Let's see what's happening.)

In Expressions

"Allons" appears in several common French expressions:

  • Allons bon ! (Oh dear! / Good grief!)
  • Allons donc ! (Come on! / Oh, really?)

With Reflexive Verbs

When used with reflexive verbs, "allons" changes slightly:

  • Allons-nous-en ! (Let's leave!)
  • Allons nous promener. (Let's go for a walk.)

In Questions

"Allons" can be used in questions, often to suggest an action:

  • Allons-nous danser ce soir ? (Are we going dancing tonight?)
  • Où allons-nous maintenant ? (Where are we going now?)

Remember, "allons" is a friendly and inclusive way to suggest group activities or movements. It's an essential word for anyone learning French, useful in both casual and formal situations.

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