How to use "alors" in French

Updated on 2024-08-26

"Alors" is a versatile and frequently used word in French that can serve multiple functions in a sentence. Understanding its various uses will significantly improve your French language skills and help you sound more natural in conversations. Let's explore the different ways to use "alors" in French.

Basic Meanings of "Alors"

"Alors" can be translated to several English words depending on the context:

  1. Then
  2. So
  3. Well
  4. In that case
  5. At that time

"Alors" as a Time Indicator

When used to indicate time, "alors" typically means "then" or "at that time."


  1. J'étais alors étudiant. (I was a student then.)
  2. Alors, il a décidé de partir. (Then, he decided to leave.)
  3. C'était alors une petite ville. (It was a small town at that time.)
  4. Nous étions alors très jeunes. (We were very young then.)
  5. Elle travaillait alors comme serveuse. (She was working as a waitress at that time.)
  6. Alors, personne ne savait quoi faire. (At that time, nobody knew what to do.)
  7. Il n'y avait pas d'internet alors. (There was no internet then.)
  8. Alors, les choses étaient différentes. (Things were different then.)

"Alors" as a Conjunction

"Alors" can be used as a conjunction to mean "so" or "therefore."


  1. Il pleut, alors je reste à la maison. (It's raining, so I'm staying at home.)
  2. Tu as faim ? Alors, mangeons ! (You're hungry? So, let's eat!)
  3. Elle est malade, alors elle ne viendra pas. (She's sick, so she won't come.)
  4. Nous sommes en retard, alors dépêchons-nous. (We're late, so let's hurry.)
  5. Il fait froid, alors mets ton manteau. (It's cold, so put on your coat.)
  6. Le magasin est fermé, alors revenons demain. (The store is closed, so let's come back tomorrow.)
  7. J'ai oublié mon livre, alors je ne peux pas étudier. (I forgot my book, so I can't study.)
  8. Il a réussi son examen, alors il va fêter ce soir. (He passed his exam, so he's going to celebrate tonight.)

"Alors" in Questions

"Alors" can be used at the beginning of a question to mean "so" or "well."


  1. Alors, qu'est-ce qu'on fait maintenant ? (So, what do we do now?)
  2. Alors, tu viens ou pas ? (Well, are you coming or not?)
  3. Alors, comment s'est passé ton voyage ? (So, how was your trip?)
  4. Alors, quelle est votre décision ? (Well, what's your decision?)
  5. Alors, qu'en penses-tu ? (So, what do you think about it?)
  6. Alors, on se voit demain ? (So, we'll see each other tomorrow?)
  7. Alors, tu as compris ? (Well, did you understand?)
  8. Alors, ça te plaît ? (So, do you like it?)

Common Expressions with "Alors"

"Alors" is used in several idiomatic expressions:

  1. Alors là ! (Now that's something! / Well I never!)
  2. Et alors ? (So what?)
  3. Alors comme ça... (So...)
  4. Mais alors... (But then...)
  5. Alors que... (Whereas...)
  6. Alors que + imperfect tense (While...)
  7. Alors, ça y est ? (So, is it done?)
  8. Alors là, pas question ! (No way!)

Tips for Using "Alors"

  1. Position: "Alors" is often used at the beginning of a sentence but can also be placed in the middle or at the end for emphasis.

  2. Tone: The meaning of "alors" can change depending on your tone of voice. It can express impatience, surprise, or conclusion.

  3. Filler word: In spoken French, "alors" is sometimes used as a filler word, similar to "um" or "well" in English.

  4. Formal vs. Informal: "Alors" is used in both formal and informal contexts, making it a versatile word in various situations.

By mastering the use of "alors," you'll add a valuable tool to your French language toolkit. Practice using it in different contexts to become more comfortable with its various meanings and functions.

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