How to Use "Beau" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

The French adjective "beau" (meaning beautiful or handsome) is a common yet tricky word for learners. It's one of the few adjectives in French that changes form based on its position and the gender and number of the noun it modifies.

Forms of "Beau"

  • Masculine singular: beau (before consonants), bel (before vowels or silent h)
  • Feminine singular: belle
  • Plural: beaux (masculine), belles (feminine)

Usage Before Nouns

When "beau" comes before a noun, it follows these rules:

  • Masculine noun starting with a consonant: "un beau garçon" (a handsome boy)
  • Masculine noun starting with a vowel: "un bel homme" (a handsome man)
  • Feminine noun: "une belle femme" (a beautiful woman)
  • Plural nouns: "de beaux paysages" (beautiful landscapes), "de belles fleurs" (beautiful flowers)

Usage After Nouns

When used after a noun or with a verb like "être" (to be), "beau" follows regular adjective rules:

  • "Ce garçon est beau" (This boy is handsome)
  • "Cette femme est belle" (This woman is beautiful)
  • "Ces paysages sont beaux" (These landscapes are beautiful)

Examples in Sentences

  1. "J'ai acheté une belle maison avec un beau jardin." (I bought a beautiful house with a beautiful garden.)
  2. "Le bel oiseau chante dans le bel arbre." (The beautiful bird sings in the beautiful tree.)
  3. "Ils ont de beaux enfants." (They have beautiful children.)

Remember, "beau" is an irregular adjective, so it's important to practice its various forms to use it correctly in different contexts.

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