How to Use "Chez" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

The French preposition "chez" is a versatile and commonly used word that often confuses English speakers. Let's explore its meaning and various uses to help you incorporate it confidently in your French conversations.

Basic Meaning of "Chez"

"Chez" generally translates to "at the home of" or "at the place of" in English. It's used to indicate location, specifically referring to someone's home, workplace, or establishment.

Common Uses of "Chez"

Referring to Someone's Home

  • Je vais chez Marie. (I'm going to Marie's house.)
  • Il y a une fête chez Paul ce soir. (There's a party at Paul's place tonight.)

Indicating a Business or Professional Setting

  • Je vais chez le médecin. (I'm going to the doctor's office.)
  • Elle travaille chez Apple. (She works at Apple.)

In Idiomatic Expressions

  • Chez nous (In our country/region/home)
  • Chez moi (At my place/In my opinion)

Important Notes

  1. "Chez" is always followed by a person, pronoun, or a noun representing a person or group.
  2. It's not used with place names. For example, you wouldn't say "chez Paris" but "à Paris."

Examples in Context

  • Je me sens comme chez moi ici. (I feel at home here.)
  • C'est comme ça chez nous. (That's how we do things here/in our country.)
  • J'ai acheté ce livre chez le libraire du coin. (I bought this book at the local bookstore.)

Understanding the usage of "chez" will significantly improve your French language skills and help you express location and ownership more naturally. Practice using it in various contexts to become more comfortable with this essential French preposition.

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