How to use "de la" in French

Updated on 2024-08-21

Understanding when and how to use "de la" in French can be tricky for English speakers. This article will explain its usage and provide examples to help you use it correctly in your French conversations.

What is "de la"?

"De la" is a partitive article in French. It's used before feminine nouns to indicate an unspecified quantity of something. It can often be translated as "some" or "any" in English, but sometimes it's not translated at all.

When to use "de la"

Here are the main situations where you'll use "de la":

1. Expressing an undefined quantity

Use "de la" when referring to an unspecified amount of a feminine noun:

  • Je voudrais de la salade. (I would like some salad.)
  • Il y a de la neige dehors. (There's snow outside.)

2. With verbs expressing consumption

Use "de la" with verbs like manger (to eat), boire (to drink), or prendre (to have):

  • Elle boit de la limonade. (She's drinking lemonade.)
  • Nous mangeons de la pizza. (We're eating pizza.)

3. In negative sentences

In negative sentences, "de la" changes to "de":

  • Je n'ai pas de salade. (I don't have any salad.)
  • Elle ne boit pas de limonade. (She doesn't drink lemonade.)

Common mistakes to avoid

  1. Don't use "de la" with count nouns in plural form. Use "des" instead:

    • Incorrect: Je veux de la pommes.
    • Correct: Je veux des pommes. (I want some apples.)
  2. Remember to use "du" for masculine nouns and "de l'" before vowels:

    • Je bois du lait. (I drink milk.)
    • J'achète de l'eau. (I'm buying water.)

By understanding these rules and practicing with examples, you'll become more confident in using "de la" correctly in your French sentences.

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