How to use "de" vs "des" in French?

Updated on 2024-08-12

Understanding the difference between "de" and "des" in French can be tricky for English speakers. These small words play a big role in French grammar, and using them correctly is essential for clear communication. Let's break down their uses and provide some helpful examples.

When to Use "De"

"De" is used in several situations:

  1. After expressions of quantity:

    • J'ai beaucoup de livres. (I have a lot of books.)
    • Il y a peu de temps. (There is little time.)
  2. In negative sentences:

    • Je n'ai pas de voiture. (I don't have a car.)
    • Elle ne mange pas de viande. (She doesn't eat meat.)
  3. With adjectives before plural nouns:

    • J'ai de bons amis. (I have good friends.)

When to Use "Des"

"Des" is the plural indefinite article, used:

  1. To indicate some/any for plural nouns:

    • J'ai des livres sur la table. (I have some books on the table.)
    • Il y a des gens qui attendent. (There are some people waiting.)
  2. In affirmative sentences when talking about plural nouns in general:

    • J'aime des fruits. (I like fruits.)

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

English speakers often struggle with choosing between "de" and "des". Remember:

  • Use "de" after quantity expressions and in negative sentences.
  • Use "des" when talking about plural nouns in a general or indefinite sense.

Practice Examples

  1. Je veux _____ pommes. (I want some apples.) Answer: Je veux des pommes.

  2. Il n'y a pas _____ problème. (There is no problem.) Answer: Il n'y a pas de problème.

  3. J'ai besoin _____ informations. (I need some information.) Answer: J'ai besoin d'informations.

By mastering the use of "de" and "des", you'll improve your French grammar significantly. Practice with these rules in mind, and soon it will become second nature!

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