How to use "depuis" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

Understanding how to use "depuis" in French is crucial for expressing duration and time. This versatile preposition can be tricky for English speakers, but with a few clear examples, you'll be using it confidently in no time.

Basic Usage of "Depuis"

"Depuis" generally translates to "since" or "for" in English. It's used to indicate:

  1. A starting point in time
  2. A duration of time

Examples with Present Tense

When used with the present tense, "depuis" expresses an action or state that began in the past and continues in the present.

  • J'habite à Paris depuis 2010. (I've lived in Paris since 2010.)
  • Elle apprend le français depuis six mois. (She has been learning French for six months.)

Using "Depuis" with Past Tenses

"Depuis" can also be used with past tenses to indicate duration up to a point in the past.

  • Quand je l'ai rencontré, il attendait depuis une heure. (When I met him, he had been waiting for an hour.)

"Depuis quand" for Questions

To ask "how long" or "since when," use "depuis quand":

  • Depuis quand étudiez-vous le français ? (How long have you been studying French?)

Common Mistakes to Avoid

English speakers often mistake "depuis" for "pendant" (during/for). Remember:

  • J'habite ici depuis trois ans. (I have lived here for three years.) - Correct
  • J'habite ici pour trois ans. (I live here for three years.) - Incorrect


Mastering "depuis" will significantly improve your French language skills. Practice using it in various contexts to become more comfortable with this essential preposition.

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