How to Use "Donc" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

"Donc" is a versatile and commonly used word in French that translates to "therefore" or "so" in English. It's essential for connecting ideas and drawing conclusions in both spoken and written French. Let's explore how to use "donc" correctly and effectively.

Basic Usage

"Donc" is primarily used to introduce a logical conclusion or consequence. It's placed at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence.


  • Il pleut, donc je prends mon parapluie. (It's raining, so I'm taking my umbrella.)

Sentence Position

Beginning of a Sentence

When used at the start of a sentence, "donc" adds emphasis to the conclusion:

  • Donc, tu ne viendras pas à la fête ? (So, you're not coming to the party?)

Middle of a Sentence

Placed in the middle, "donc" acts as a connector between two related ideas:

  • J'ai faim, je vais donc manger quelque chose. (I'm hungry, so I'm going to eat something.)

In Questions

"Donc" can be used in questions to confirm understanding or seek clarification:

  • Vous êtes donc d'accord avec cette décision ? (So, you agree with this decision?)

Informal Usage

In casual conversation, "donc" is often used to resume a conversation or get back on topic:

  • Donc, comme je disais... (So, as I was saying...)

Tips for Using "Donc"

  1. Use "donc" to show cause and effect in your sentences.
  2. Don't overuse it; vary your connectors for more natural French.
  3. Practice using "donc" in different sentence positions to improve your fluency.

Understanding how to use "donc" will significantly enhance your French communication skills, allowing you to express logical connections more clearly and naturally.

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