How to Use "Donc" in French: Meaning and Examples

Updated on 2024-08-17

"Donc" is a versatile and commonly used word in French that can be translated as "therefore," "so," or "then" in English. Understanding how to use "donc" correctly can greatly enhance your French communication skills. Let's explore its usage with some practical examples.

Basic Usage

"Donc" is primarily used to introduce a logical conclusion or consequence. It often appears at the beginning of a sentence or clause.


  • Il pleut, donc je prends mon parapluie. (It's raining, so I'm taking my umbrella.)

Connecting Ideas

"Donc" can connect two related ideas, showing that one is the result of the other.


  • J'ai beaucoup travaillé, donc je suis fatigué. (I worked a lot, so I'm tired.)

In Questions

"Donc" can be used in questions to seek confirmation or clarification.


  • Vous êtes donc d'accord avec moi ? (So, you agree with me?)

Informal Usage

In casual conversation, "donc" can be used to resume a conversation or to prompt someone to continue speaking.


  • Donc, tu disais que tu as un nouveau travail ? (So, you were saying you have a new job?)

Common Expressions

Some common expressions use "donc":

  • Alors donc (So then)
  • Et donc ? (And so?)
  • C'est donc ça ! (So that's it!)

Remember, "donc" is a powerful tool in French for linking ideas and drawing conclusions. Practice using it in various contexts to sound more natural in your French conversations.

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