How to Use 'Du', 'De La', 'De L'', and 'Des' in French

Updated on 2024-08-17

Understanding when to use "du", "de la", "de l'" and "des" in French can be tricky for English speakers. These partitive articles are used to express undefined quantities and don't have direct English equivalents. Let's break down their usage with some helpful examples.

When to Use Each Partitive Article

"Du" (Masculine Singular)

Use "du" before masculine singular nouns:

  • Je bois du café. (I drink coffee.)
  • Il mange du pain. (He eats bread.)

"De La" (Feminine Singular)

Use "de la" before feminine singular nouns:

  • Elle achète de la farine. (She buys flour.)
  • Nous voulons de la musique. (We want music.)

"De L'" (Before Vowels or Silent H)

Use "de l'" before singular nouns starting with a vowel or silent h:

  • J'ai besoin de l'eau. (I need water.)
  • Ils parlent de l'histoire. (They talk about history.)

"Des" (Plural)

Use "des" for plural nouns, regardless of gender:

  • Nous avons des amis. (We have friends.)
  • Elle prépare des gâteaux. (She prepares cakes.)

Important Usage Notes

  • These articles are used for undefined quantities. For defined quantities, use specific numbers or expressions:

    • Je bois du thé. (I drink tea. - unspecified amount)
    • Je bois une tasse de thé. (I drink a cup of tea. - specific amount)
  • In negative sentences, "de" replaces these articles:

    • Je ne bois pas de café. (I don't drink coffee.)
  • With adjectives before plural nouns, "de" is used instead of "des":

    • J'ai de bons amis. (I have good friends.)

Practice Examples

  1. Nous mangeons ___ fruits. (des)
  2. Il faut ___ patience pour apprendre le français. (de la)
  3. Je n'ai pas ___ argent. (d')
  4. Vous avez ___ excellentes idées. (d')

Understanding these partitive articles will greatly improve your French language skills. Practice using them in various contexts to become more comfortable with their usage.

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