How to Use "Du" vs "De La" in French

Updated on 2024-08-17

Understanding when to use "du" and "de la" in French can be tricky for English speakers. These partitive articles are used to express "some" or "any" when referring to uncountable nouns. Let's break down their usage with simple explanations and examples.

When to Use "Du"

"Du" is used for masculine singular nouns. It's a contraction of "de le" (of the).


  • Je voudrais du pain. (I would like some bread.)
  • Il boit du lait. (He drinks some milk.)

When to Use "De La"

"De la" is used for feminine singular nouns.


  • Elle mange de la salade. (She eats some salad.)
  • Nous achetons de la farine. (We're buying some flour.)

Other Forms to Know

  • "De l'" is used before singular nouns (masculine or feminine) starting with a vowel or silent h. Example: J'ai besoin de l'eau. (I need some water.)

  • "Des" is used for plural nouns (both masculine and feminine). Example: Il y a des pommes dans le panier. (There are some apples in the basket.)

Tips for Remembering

  1. Think of "du" as "some of the" for masculine nouns.
  2. "De la" literally translates to "of the" for feminine nouns.
  3. Practice with common food items, as these are often used with partitive articles.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Don't use "un" or "une" when you mean "some." Incorrect: Je veux une eau. (I want a water.) Correct: Je veux de l'eau. (I want some water.)

  • Remember to change to "de" in negative sentences. Example: Je n'ai pas de pain. (I don't have any bread.)

Understanding the difference between "du" and "de la" takes practice, but with these guidelines, you'll be using them correctly in no time!

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