How to use "en" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

The French pronoun "en" is a versatile word that often confuses English speakers. Let's explore its usage and see how it can enhance your French language skills.

Main Uses of "En"

Replacing a Noun with "de"

"En" often replaces a noun introduced by "de" or an indefinite article (un, une, des).


  • Tu as des livres ? Oui, j'en ai trois. (Do you have books? Yes, I have three of them.)

Expressing Quantity

"En" is used when referring to a quantity of something previously mentioned.


  • Combien de pommes veux-tu ? J'en veux deux. (How many apples do you want? I want two of them.)

Referring to a Place

When talking about movement from a place, "en" can replace "de + place name".


  • Tu reviens de Paris ? Oui, j'en reviens. (Are you coming back from Paris? Yes, I'm coming from there.)

Common Expressions with "En"

Some common French expressions always use "en":

  • en avoir marre (to be fed up)
  • s'en aller (to leave)
  • s'en faire (to worry)


  • J'en ai marre de la pluie. (I'm fed up with the rain.)

Position in Sentences

"En" usually goes before the verb, except in imperative affirmative sentences.


  • Je m'en souviens. (I remember it.)
  • Souviens-t'en ! (Remember it!)

By mastering the use of "en", you'll add a layer of authenticity to your French and express yourself more efficiently. Practice with these examples to integrate this essential pronoun into your French conversations.

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