How to use French indirect object pronouns: lui and leur

Updated on 2024-08-12

French indirect object pronouns can be tricky for English speakers. This guide focuses on two common ones: "lui" (him/her) and "leur" (them).

When to Use Lui and Leur

Use these pronouns to replace indirect objects in a sentence. An indirect object is typically introduced by the preposition "à" in French.

  • Lui: for singular (him/her)
  • Leur: for plural (them)

Placement in a Sentence

Unlike in English, French indirect object pronouns are placed before the verb:

Subject + Indirect Object Pronoun + Verb


Using Lui

Original: Je donne le livre à Marie. (I give the book to Marie.) With pronoun: Je lui donne le livre. (I give her the book.)

Using Leur

Original: Nous parlons à nos parents. (We speak to our parents.) With pronoun: Nous leur parlons. (We speak to them.)

Common Verbs Used with Indirect Objects

Several French verbs often require indirect objects:

  • Parler à (to speak to)
  • Téléphoner à (to call)
  • Écrire à (to write to)
  • Donner à (to give to)

Example: Je téléphone à mes amis. → Je leur téléphone.

Tip for English Speakers

Remember, "lui" can mean both "him" and "her". Context will clarify which is meant.

By mastering "lui" and "leur", you'll sound more natural in French conversations. Practice with everyday phrases to solidify your understanding.

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