How to use French verb falloir

Updated on 2024-08-12

The French verb "falloir" is an impersonal verb that expresses necessity or obligation. It's commonly used in everyday French conversations and is essential for learners to understand and use correctly.

Meaning and Usage

"Falloir" generally translates to "to be necessary" or "to need to" in English. It's always used in the third person singular form "il faut" (it is necessary).


Unlike most verbs, "falloir" is only conjugated in the third person singular:

  • Present: il faut
  • Imperfect: il fallait
  • Future: il faudra
  • Conditional: il faudrait
  • Present subjunctive: qu'il faille

Common Expressions

Il faut + infinitive

This structure is used to express general necessity:

  • Il faut étudier pour réussir. (It's necessary to study to succeed.)
  • Il faut manger équilibré. (It's necessary to eat a balanced diet.)

Il faut que + subjunctive

When specifying who needs to do something, use this structure:

  • Il faut que je parte maintenant. (I need to leave now.)
  • Il faut qu'elle finisse son travail. (She needs to finish her work.)

Examples in Context

  • Il faut du temps pour apprendre une langue. (It takes time to learn a language.)
  • S'il faut, je viendrai t'aider. (If necessary, I'll come help you.)
  • Il ne faut pas oublier vos clés. (You must not forget your keys.)

Remember, "falloir" is an essential verb in French for expressing obligations and necessities. Practice using it in various contexts to become more fluent in your French conversations.

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