How to Use "Il faut" in French

Updated on 2024-08-19

The French expression "il faut" is an essential phrase for expressing necessity or obligation. Let's explore its usage and importance in everyday French conversations.

Meaning and Translation

"Il faut" translates to "it is necessary" or "one must" in English. This impersonal expression is used to convey a general obligation or requirement without specifying who exactly must perform the action.


"Il faut" is the third-person singular form of the verb "falloir." It's an impersonal verb, which means it's only used in the third person singular form. Here's a quick look at its conjugation in some common tenses:

  • Present: il faut
  • Passé composé: il a fallu
  • Imparfait: il fallait
  • Futur simple: il faudra

Usage and Examples

With an Infinitive

The most common way to use "il faut" is followed by an infinitive verb:

  • Il faut étudier pour réussir l'examen. (It's necessary to study to pass the exam.)
  • Il faut partir maintenant. (We must leave now.)

With "que" + Subjunctive

When specifying who should perform the action, use "que" followed by a subject and a verb in the subjunctive mood:

  • Il faut que tu finisses ton travail. (You must finish your work.)
  • Il faut qu'ils arrivent à l'heure. (They need to arrive on time.)

As a Noun

"Il faut" can be used as a noun to mean "what is necessary":

  • J'ai fait le strict nécessaire. (I did what was strictly necessary.)

Common Expressions

Some frequently used expressions with "il faut" include:

  • Il faut dire que... (It must be said that...)
  • Comme il faut (Properly, as it should be)
  • S'il le faut (If necessary)

Understanding and using "il faut" correctly will significantly improve your French communication skills, allowing you to express necessity and obligation in various contexts.

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